An Unknown Ripple
Like a pebble tossed into a pond, our daily lives send countless ripples out into the world, some clearly seen by us and others totally unknown.
Jay Davis’ were the second kind.
Jay’s life briefly intersected mine when we were tenth-grade classmates. As he sought to bring me to Christ, I sensed that I was more than his evangelism project – I was truly his friend and someone he loved. He met me right where I was, and he gently shared the gospel message with me. His life and his words possessed an attractive integrity and vulnerability.
Throughout tenth grade, I remained resistant. But finally that summer, I decided to place my trust in Christ. To be honest, it was partly to get Jay off my back, but the other part was very genuine.
Shortly after that, Jay and I lost touch with each other for more than thirty years … until just a few years ago.
After calling about 50 other Jay Davises, I finally found him. “Thank you,” I told Jay, “for changing my life forever!” He was totally blown away to discover that his life mattered in someone else’s life.
Are there people who have impacted you along your spiritual journey to Christ who may not know and may need some encouragement?
Could there be people in your world for whom you have made a significant impact and have no clue, just like Jay?
There just might be some unknown ripples from your life as well!
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